2020: Finding Calm In the Midst of the Storm


We have all seen the various memes out there about 2020.   They range from silly to outrageous and highlight the vast array of unfortunate events that have plagued us  over this short, yet intense period of time.  It is evident that by posting and sharing these memes we are doing our best to offer a smile or laugh during a time that has proven to be both challenging and unprecedented.

As a mental health provider, I am concerned about where we are and where we are headed in terms of our mental health as a nation.  If we look back at our lives even just a mere seven months ago; each and every one of us could make a list of all of the things that have changed for us since that time.  Change.  It is something that is difficult for most of us to process and come to terms with even on a good day, yet all of us have been thrust into the depths of change headfirst recently. 

Even before this global pandemic began, our lives were stressful and at times overwhelming.  In addition, our society doesn’t always value taking the time for self-care.  We are a fast-paced, goal driven society that typically values a quick, error free result in record time.  This way of life causes much anxiety to those whose jobs are on the line if they do not deliver what is asked of them; and fast.

Now here we are.  The last day of September, 2020.  We have all of the “typical” life stressors, accompanied by all of the changes that have occurred since the start of the global pandemic and we are adding a very heated election in the midst of the already swirling storm of emotions.  It is, quite frankly, the makings of a disaster for our mental health.

Yet, I do believe that there is reason to be hopeful.  Yes, many of the things that life throws our way are out of our control. However, we have highly impactful choices that we can make to help us get through this very stressful period of time. 

  1. Kindness- I can never talk about kindness too often.  It is something that is free to give and offers so much joy to both the bearer of kindness and the recipient.  It is important to note that we can be kind to all people; even those that we do not necessarily agree with.  Kindness has no boundaries.  It is one of the single most impactful things that you can provide to others every single day.

  2. Stepping Back- Each and every one of us needs to step back, take pause and reflect on what we need most.  This may mean stepping away from social media, news and our information intake for a bit to help your body find a sense of calm.  It may mean taking a day off to take care of your mental health or taking a walk in nature to soothe your soul a bit. 

  3. Developing a Self-Care Plan- We tend to be the last people on our own to-do list.  Yet, everything that we do suffers if we do not take care of ourselves.  Developing a self-care plan may be as simple as a few minutes of mindfulness each morning, going for a walk or a jog, taking the time out of your day to do something that brings your joy, eating foods that nourish your body or making sure that you get enough sleep each night.  We are all different and need different things to feel fulfilled.  Take a few moments to reflect on what you need more of in your life right now.

  4. Nurture Your Sense of Empathy- We can be frustrated with the way that things are right now, however it is what we do with that frustration that makes a difference.  It is important that even in the midst of our frustration, we pause and nurture our sense of empathy towards others.  We may not always agree with someone, however we can always search our heart for empathy to help us to better understand one another.

  5. Stay Connected- This period of time has been a lonely one for many.  It is important to stay emotionally connected to the people that we care about.  As human beings we are social by nature.  It is through our social interactions that we feel loved and supported.  We need each other now more than ever. 

  6. Reach Out- The events that have transpired over the last few months have left some of our loved ones more stressed and vulnerable than ever.  It is important to reach out to friends and family members who are currently left with added stressors in their lives so that we may help to lesson their load.

  7. Getting the Help That You Need- There will be a time in all of our lives where we many need extra emotional support.  It is so important to reach out for help when you need it.   There are mental health resources available for you.  You are worth it.  You deserve happiness. 

  8. Kindness-  Here I am, starting and ending this list with kindness.  It is what the world needs right now.  It starts with kindness to yourself and extends outward.  Each and every act of kindness has a powerful impact.

This list is not all encompassing by any means, however it is a start.  Every day is a new day to find enjoyment in your life.  2020 may have caused a lot of change in our lives, but when we embrace these changes with grace and kindness we not only have a positive impact on ourselves, but those around us.

Much love to you all,

